Taking a Step Back


Dear Friends,

I have taken great joy over the last some years in seeing the ideas shared, the solutions pondered, and the enthusiasm generated by the community of UseThinkScript. It is therefore going to be a difficult thing for me to take a break from trading, but I have to think of my own mental health and the health of my family and relationships.

I am stepping back from the market and trading. I hope to still visit uTS from time to time, but I've promised myself not to open ThinkOrSwim for at least a month or three. (not sure how long, but I'll let the situation dictate, much as the market dictates price action).

I have gotten to a point that while gains in the market are happy events, they are not as happy as they were and losses are disproportionately depressing to the point they affect my mood for the whole day (and from the west coast, the day can go far far beyond RTH). This despite knowing that losses are an integral part of trading and that discipline in applying a strategy is the only real way to remain profitable.

I imagine there is a great deal of struggle with the emotional effect of trading that we largely ignore in the trading community, and it is not easy to write that the markets are beating me. If you are in the same space, take a break -- the market will [probably] still be there if you feel like getting back in in the future.

God Speed and Good Trades to you all,

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Sorry to hear that mashume,

I hope you can come back early than you expected and I wish you the best for you and your family.
You will comeback strong for some market gains that will be waiting for you.
We will miss your help in the useThinkScript community.

Happy Holidays!
Definitely, if instead of feeding your soul, it is destroying it; then it is time to walk away.
I sat out the August-September correction. I use the time to reconnect with other interests.
But, I also dug out my textbooks and the bibles written by the 5 titans; and spent time cogitating on the pure math and statistics of the market. I really enjoyed interacting with numbers just for the fun of it.

Go, reconnect with what gives you joy.
Around March-April (1st Fed cut maybe?), we should be setting up for another nice bull run (the gods willing, and the creek don't rise)
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Dear Friends,

I have taken great joy over the last some years in seeing the ideas shared, the solutions pondered, and the enthusiasm generated by the community of UseThinkScript. It is therefore going to be a difficult thing for me to take a break from trading, but I have to think of my own mental health and the health of my family and relationships.

I am stepping back from the market and trading. I hope to still visit uTS from time to time, but I've promised myself not to open ThinkOrSwim for at least a month or three. (not sure how long, but I'll let the situation dictate, much as the market dictates price action).

I have gotten to a point that while gains in the market are happy events, they are not as happy as they were and losses are disproportionately depressing to the point they affect my mood for the whole day (and from the west coast, the day can go far far beyond RTH). This despite knowing that losses are an integral part of trading and that discipline in applying a strategy is the only real way to remain profitable.

I imagine there is a great deal of struggle with the emotional effect of trading that we largely ignore in the trading community, and it is not easy to write that the markets are beating me. If you are in the same space, take a break -- the market will [probably] still be there if you feel like getting back in in the future.

God Speed and Good Trades to you all,
Nicely said!

Happy Holidays!
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Good luck brother; try to recuperate and enjoy the family.... The market anyways seems about to top off/ due for a pull back..

Happy Holidays!
Dear Friends,

I have taken great joy over the last some years in seeing the ideas shared, the solutions pondered, and the enthusiasm generated by the community of UseThinkScript. It is therefore going to be a difficult thing for me to take a break from trading, but I have to think of my own mental health and the health of my family and relationships.

I am stepping back from the market and trading. I hope to still visit uTS from time to time, but I've promised myself not to open ThinkOrSwim for at least a month or three. (not sure how long, but I'll let the situation dictate, much as the market dictates price action).

I have gotten to a point that while gains in the market are happy events, they are not as happy as they were and losses are disproportionately depressing to the point they affect my mood for the whole day (and from the west coast, the day can go far far beyond RTH). This despite knowing that losses are an integral part of trading and that discipline in applying a strategy is the only real way to remain profitable.

I imagine there is a great deal of struggle with the emotional effect of trading that we largely ignore in the trading community, and it is not easy to write that the markets are beating me. If you are in the same space, take a break -- the market will [probably] still be there if you feel like getting back in in the future.

God Speed and Good Trades to you all,
You are not alone my friend. Trading is hard and when we think we are right and confident market proves us wrong. It definitely takes troll on mental health. I appreciate your honesty and wish you good luck. Market will be there and sure you will be back and bounce back. This community is great and helpful. I came across lot of kind people sharing their valuable lessons. Take care of yourself.
Dear Friends,

I have taken great joy over the last some years in seeing the ideas shared, the solutions pondered, and the enthusiasm generated by the community of UseThinkScript. It is therefore going to be a difficult thing for me to take a break from trading, but I have to think of my own mental health and the health of my family and relationships.

I am stepping back from the market and trading. I hope to still visit uTS from time to time, but I've promised myself not to open ThinkOrSwim for at least a month or three. (not sure how long, but I'll let the situation dictate, much as the market dictates price action).

I have gotten to a point that while gains in the market are happy events, they are not as happy as they were and losses are disproportionately depressing to the point they affect my mood for the whole day (and from the west coast, the day can go far far beyond RTH). This despite knowing that losses are an integral part of trading and that discipline in applying a strategy is the only real way to remain profitable.

I imagine there is a great deal of struggle with the emotional effect of trading that we largely ignore in the trading community, and it is not easy to write that the markets are beating me. If you are in the same space, take a break -- the market will [probably] still be there if you feel like getting back in in the future.

God Speed and Good Trades to you all,
Thank you for the help you have provided to the members as well as me!
Sorry to hear all that. We are genuinely thankful for all you have done for the uTS community. Take your much needed break and come back stronger. The market is not going anywhere. Take care of yourself. See ya soon!
@mashume thanks for the ideas and insights, I have not posted much, but truly appreciate your ideas and work. If you ever want to exchange some views on the mkt, plse feel fre to reach out. In the meantime, all the best!
@mashume oh goodness,
I completely missed this post. Yes once trading becomes a burden it is no longer worthwhile.
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