Annualized ROI (Return on Investment) in Options Chain For ThinkOrSwim


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I've always been a lurker and never contributed and I figured some folks would really like this. I like to sell PUTS and CALLS. It just became too tedious to always determine what ROI my strike/options premium I was selling by punching it out on a calculator. So, I figured out a nice tidy custom script to add to your list on the options grid that immediately tells you in real time what your annualized ROI is going to be!

I shoot for 30% annualized on all of my trades. Therefore, the numbers turn red if below 30% (you can change it if you like). So for this example if you're thinking of selling the 17 Nov JPM Puts to get a 30% ROI you need to select the 134 strike with a .4 Delta. If that's too close for you then you need to move on! It's a beautiful way of seeing how much juice is in the options!!

Speaking of JUICE, look at the second example of PLTR! The ROI is INSANE at a .4sh Delta. Of course, its a week from ER, but you get the point!

I hope you guys like this. It was a sigh of relief to figure this out. Have fun!

For those of you less TOS savvy, select "layout" on the options grid and "customize". Then drag over a custom data line. Use the example below. You have to touch the little scroll "thingie" to copy and paste this code into:
Screen Shot 2023-10-29 at 5.51.41 PM.png

# Custom Annualized ROI Script for thinkorswim
# Define the necessary variables
def optionPrice = bid; # Using the bid price as the option price
def daysToExpiration = GetDaysToExpiration() - 1; # Subtracting 3 days
def strikePrice = GetStrike();

# Calculate ROI
def ROI = (optionPrice * 365) / (daysToExpiration * strikePrice);

# Display ROI in the custom quote column
AddLabel(yes, "ROI: " + AsPercent(ROI), (if ROI >= 0.30 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED));


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I copied this in and it looks great. Thank you.
Question...when I did it, I forgot to rename it. How can I rename it and edit the code?

I copied this in and it looks great. Thank you.
Question...when I did it, I forgot to rename it. How can I rename it and edit the code?


To rename a script:
1. right click on the study
2. select rename

To make a copy of a script
1. double click on the study
2. in the bottom right-hand corner, click on Save As
is this similar to the "covered return" field that is present in the option hacker? can this be used to filter options there?
HELLO I'm not sure the calculation is correct : Let us say ABC is current price is $100; a month from today call bid price is $90 (deep in money) is $11; so we get this ABC 100 shares purchased for $8.900 (sell for $90) and month later its trading at $95;; as the strike is for 90; so trade gets closed/assigned for 9000; / so the profit is $100 ($9000 - $8.900 ) ; return on investment is $100/8900 * 100 = 1.12% (for consecutive 12 months it could be around 13.48 % ....

I've always been a lurker and never contributed and I figured some folks would really like this. I like to sell PUTS and CALLS. It just became too tedious to always determine what ROI my strike/options premium I was selling by punching it out on a calculator. So, I figured out a nice tidy custom script to add to your list on the options grid that immediately tells you in real time what your annualized ROI is going to be!

I shoot for 30% annualized on all of my trades. Therefore, the numbers turn red if below 30% (you can change it if you like). So for this example if you're thinking of selling the 17 Nov JPM Puts to get a 30% ROI you need to select the 134 strike with a .4 Delta. If that's too close for you then you need to move on! It's a beautiful way of seeing how much juice is in the options!!

Speaking of JUICE, look at the second example of PLTR! The ROI is INSANE at a .4sh Delta. Of course, its a week from ER, but you get the point!

I hope you guys like this. It was a sigh of relief to figure this out. Have fun!

For those of you less TOS savvy, select "layout" on the options grid and "customize". Then drag over a custom data line. Use the example below. You have to touch the little scroll "thingie" to copy and paste this code into:
View attachment 20038
# Custom Annualized ROI Script for thinkorswim
# Define the necessary variables
def optionPrice = bid; # Using the bid price as the option price
def daysToExpiration = GetDaysToExpiration() - 1; # Subtracting 3 days
def strikePrice = GetStrike();

# Calculate ROI
def ROI = (optionPrice * 365) / (daysToExpiration * strikePrice);

# Display ROI in the custom quote column
AddLabel(yes, "ROI: " + AsPercent(ROI), (if ROI >= 0.30 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED));
going to try it out
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