What do you listen to during the trading day?


I can't listen to music because I wind up focusing on it too much. CNBC, Bloomberg TV and the like are usually just a bunch of distracting scatterbrained noise, in my humble opinion. I don't like just sitting there in silence all day staring at the screen. I was thinking maybe some podcasts would be a possible option. What do you listen to?
do laundry lmao, or maybe chlean the house, but honestly i work at an office as an intern arch. so i so that too. You can also take the time to learn to code. or learn how to play chess
I always listened to Benzinga squawk when it was still part of TOS but now i mostly listen to some podcasts or spotify playlist.
My morning routine is "the Real Investment Show" with Lance from RIA realinvestmentadvice.com. Then throughout the day either chess twitch streamers or Spotify (Tool or new Country - depending on my mood)
i start with benzinga premarket prep, move to yesterday's Market Scholars Market Outlook, and then denegrate to watching mindless programming like minecraft youtubers so I don't have to pay too much attention lol
I have Trader TV widget running most of the day.
I do not focus on it. A low murmur in the background.
I keep one ear open to pick up on any news being reported that relates to my trades, economic reports, earnings announcements, and analyst rating changes.
They provide real market updates for stocks that I do not normally monitor; allowing me to get in on movements that I might have otherwise missed.

1. It is JUST market news. There are no "personalities" that overwhelm that news with their opinions.
2. They use ToS charts, which is a great way to get exposed to the myriad of ways that the ToS app can help analyze my trades.

To reduce overhead on the ToS app
This widget is available through youtube

My preferred access is youtube and then to save real estate, I caste it to a TV.
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